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START is Japan 10:00pm // UK 02:00pm // US 09:00am
THANK YOU CHARGE Japan 400yen // UK £3 // US $4
Payment can be made by PayPal, bank transfer or online banking.
お名前、メールアドレスを予約メールに送って頂き、その後お支払案内、入金確認後、視聴者限定のYOUTUBE LIVEアクセスURLをメールにてお知らせ致します。(正確なメールアドレスの記入をお願い致します、予約メールを送信後24時間以内に案内メールがこない場合はお手数ですが再度予約をお願い致します)
Please send your name and email address to the booking email, and after confirming payment and payment, we will inform you of the YOUTUBE LIVE access URL by email. (Please fill in the correct email address, if you do not receive an email within 24 hours of sending the reservation email, please make a reservation again.)
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